Thursday, July 21, 2011


I know I'm not the only one in this world who believes that dreams are indicators of things going on your life/mind that you need to process and/or deal with.

Being a believer that dreams have significance, and a believer in God as the only true Ruler of this world.  So how do I deal with things like my recurring dream, where I live on a ranch, I'm married to a man who adores me as much as I love him, and my son is off playing with a few of his friends in the massive front yard?  Or the fact that I can see, hear, smell these people I'm with as though I've met them before?

I've had this dream, in different intensities and at different times of my life, for years.  Some people have dreams about dying or winning the lottery.  I have dreams about a rancher with dirt under his fingernails and a home full of light and love.

OK, so it's not hard to figure out what the dream means.  But why does it come when I think everything's ok in my life?  And why is it always the same people?  And...

Why can't I have my dream?

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